Looking back at my 50+ years in JWville, and the things that were repeatedly stressed, over and over and over and over.....
I have come to conclude that "the cross or not the cross" the "we don't celebrate that" the "we print magazines in over 200 languages" the "we were the first to make a movie" the "we are the only ones to use God's name" ..... These things are really a distraction, something the WT makes JWs feel proud to say, as if all THOSE things make them the 'one true religion'.
WT uses the hamster wheel.. the spin, spin, spin, do, do, do, repeat, repeat, repeat idea to keep you busy, keep you from thinking about the real things that mean so much.
Are you wearing the right clothes? not yoga pants, right? men: not the "skinny" pants? no beards? (unless you are in a country that has them brokered in).. All of those things are part of the hamster wheel.
JW's have been claiming they were chosen by God in 1799/ the 1800's, 19181919 (their "governing body" "faithful slave" was chosen) BUT, they really use people to promote their book selling organization, they hide behind the Kingdom Hall "let's give our time freely" "let's put the Hall in the WT's name", they get people to donate their lifelong belongings when they die, "since we are living in the last days, and Armageddon will come at any minute"
The cross is a distraction. Who cares if Jesus died on a cross? Would God not accept his sacrifice if it was not a cross? if it was a cross? Or, what if we didn't even KNOW how he died? just that he died faithful?
The WT uses these things to keep witnesses "proud" of their man made organization, while it uses the publisher's resources up. It allows terrible things to happen to children in sex abuse cases. It blackmails families into shunning their loved ones.
The cross... just another thing to view on the hamster wheel.